قائمة الكتب الاجنبية (القائمة الثالثة)
مايو 15, 2019
التدريب والتاهيل
مايو 16, 2019
2005 Reinforced plastics and elastomers-recent developments
2006 Specialized Curing methods for coating and plastic-recent advances
2007 Specialty steels recent developments
2008 Tea and soluble tea products manufacture
2010 Information Transfer
2011 ESAB Welding Handbook (2) ed.: Filler materials and welding equipment for manual and automatic welding
2012 Transistor-Berechnungs und bauanleitungs handbuch,(1)
2013 Transistor-Berechnungs und bauanleitungs handbuch,(2)
2014 Digital Technik grundkurs
2015 Handbook european meeting of chemical engineering  ACHEMA 76 18 th chemical engineering exhibition -congress, frankfurt,20-26 June,1976
2016 Analytical reference standards and supplemental data for pesticides and other organic compounds
2017 Heating and Air -conditioning of Building ,In SI Units
2018 JIS 1993 jis Handbook : Automobiles – Parts & C0mponents
2019 Computer aided subject index system, for life sciences
2020 Directory of Industrial research Laboratories in New York state
2021 Supplement energy for rural development : Renewable resources and alternative technologies for developing countries
2022 Firewood Crops Shrub and tree species for energy production
2023 pipe line catalog. eqipment ,materials,and services for the constructin ,Operation and maintenance of pipe lines and gas distribution systems
2024 Recensements Africans : 1ere partie Monographies-Methodologiques
2025 Saving of energy in refrigeration
2026 Refrigerated foods in the supermarket. can shelf life be measured
2027 Energy Conservation in the food processing industry phase(11) : Measurment of energy used in blanching
2028 State System of standardization : Gost(1.0-68,1.9-67,1.13-75,1.20-69,1.5-68,1.11-75.1.19-75,1.21-75)
2029 Industrial Ceramics
2030 Manual of industrial Project analysis in developing countries : Methodology and case studies .revised edition
2031 Advances in food research ,Sup (4) : Spices and condiments :Chemistry ,microbiology, technology
2032 Food ,Fuel, and fertilizer from organic wastes
2033 The winged bean : a High-protein crop for the tropics
2034 (the) Water buffalo : New prospects for an underutilized animal
2035 Public Library Catalog
2036 Compounding and discounting tables for project evaluation
2037 (the) Five-Year outlook : Problems ,opportunities and constraints in Science and technology .Vol.(1) : the five-year outlook,Vol.(2) : Source materials
2038 The Agricultural potential of the middle east
2040 Information resources in the USA on new and renewable energy : A description and directory
2041 New and renewable energy in the USA : The US National Paper for the 1981 United Nations Conference on new and renewable sources of energy
2042 Licensing rights in technology : A legal guide for managers in negotiation
2044 Dictionnaire francais de mineralurgie
2045 Annotated bibliography of country serials
2046 (A)Guide to the world’s foreign trade statistics
2047 Annotated bibliography of product serials
2048 ITC Core list. basic documentation for trade information services
2049 Semi-processed fruit and berries as raw materials in the food-processing and catering industries
2050 Making and marketing furfural. added value for agro-industrial wastes
2051 (the) world market for beeswax :A high-value product requiring little investment
2052 Cassava : export potential and market requirement
2053 Major markets for honey : openings for quality supplies from developing countries
2054 The Oil-exporting developing countries : New market opportunities for other developing countries.Vol.(11) : Venezuela
2055 The Oil-exporting developing countries: New market opportunities for other developing countries. vol.(3): Iran
2056 the Oil-exporting developing countries, new market opportunities for other developing countries.VOL.(4):Nigeria
2057 Selected european markets for tropical and off-season fresh and vegetables
2058 Marketing of general purpose machine tools from developing countries
2059 Selected markets for wooden toys
2060 Major Import markets for wooden household furniture
2061 Frozen foods consumption trends in western Europe : Frozen crustoceans the markets in the U.K.,France and Italy
2062 Markets for selected medicinal plants and their derivatives
2063 Markets for selected essential oils and oleoresins
2064 The market for dehydrated vegetables in selected european countries : The USA,and Japan
2065 Economic feasibility and market readiness of solar technologies, draft final report vol.:(II)-Appendices
2066 Using 1.2.3
2067 Combination processes in food irradiation proceedings of a symposium, Colombo, 24-28 November 1980
2068 Lambert’s Worldwide government directory with intergovernmental organization 1983 Update service + U.S
2069 Handbook of radiographic apparatus and techniques
2070 Collection of methods for the microbiological examination of foods.vol.1
2071 Collection of methods for the microbiological examination of foods vol.2
2072 Collection of methods for the microbiological examination of foods
2073 Microprocessor Applications Handbook
2074 Intermediate structural analysis
2075 Apparel Manufacturing handbook : Analysis ,Principles and practice
2076 Mini -and microcomputer control in industrial processes : Handbook of systems and application strategies
2077 Savoir Tout Faire
2078 Solar cell array design handbook : (The)principles and technology of photovoltaic energy conversion
2079 Manuel Complete du BRICOLAGE
2080 (The) Design connection energy and technology in architecture
2081 Engineering for architecture
2093 Brewing Science Vol.(1)
2094 Brewing Science vol 2
2095 Textile processing and auxiliaries
2096 Small Scale chemical industries.200 profitable chemical industries
2097 Modern techniques of textile dyeing bleaching and finishing
2098 Modern detergents : Soaps and synthetic perfumery industries . soap, detergent and perfume industry
2099 Handbook of industrial chemicals
2100 Handbook of electroplating , anodizing and metal treatment
2101 Food Science and Technology
2102 Introduction to fishery by-products
2103 New protein foods.vol.(4):Animal protein supplies. Part(B)
2104 Recent advances in the biochemistry of fruits and vegetables
2105 Mixed Culture fermentations
2106 Retail store sanitation manual
2107 Fats and oils : Chemistry and technology
2108 Fish and Krill protein : Processing Technology
2109 Enzymes and Food Processing
2110 Chemical Synonyms and trade names : A Dictionary and Commercial handbook
2111 Food industry wastes : Disposal and Recovery
2112 Evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants
2113 India and Germany : A Survey of economic relation
2114 The chemistry of pesticides : Their metabolism ,mode of action and uses in crop protection
2116 The Industrial research institute in a developing country : A Comparative analysis
2117 Natural Coulors for food and other uses
2118 Thermal electro cyclic reactions Vol.43
2119 Steam Reforming catalysts : An Investigation of catalysts for tubular steam reforming of hydrocarbons
2122 Solar Energy Technology Handbook : part A : Engineering fundamentals
2123 Solar Energy Technology Handbook : part B : Application Systems design and economics
2124 Food and migration of materials : Aspects of analysis and migration of contaminants
2125 Metal Contamination of food
2126 Developments in food preservatives ,1
2127 Source book of flavors
2128 Nondestructive Testing , magnetic particle
2129 Nondestructive Testing : Ultrasonic
2130 Nondestructive testing radiographic Testing
2162 Rice : A Survey of selected markets in the Middle East
2163 Computer Colorant formulation
2164 Analytical Methods for atomic absorption spectrophotometer
2168 Industrial application of pharmaceuticals : Drugs and fine chemicals ,24th publication
2169 Technology of Lubricating oils and greases manufacture
2170 L’industrie chimique 1966-1967
2172 Solar electric systems
2173 theory & Applications
2174 Le systeme international d’unites (SI)
2175 Mettler Dictionary of Weighing terms : A practical guide to the terminology of weighing
2176 Conventions and recommendations 1919-1960
2178 The use of information in a changing world,
2179 Prufen Von textilien : Chemischanalytische . prufverfahren,Band(1)
2180 Prufen von textilien:Mikroskoische Purfverfahrer,Band(2)
2181 A manual for dairy testing “Milk analysis in key Words”
2185 Consultancy services conseils,-Diractory series(4) on oic Member countries
2186 Plant earth in jeopardy: environmental consequences of nuclear war
2188 the reclamation of drinking water from sewage Thailand institute of technology,1975
2207 Nondestructive testing ;Radiography vol., (I) : Origine and Nature of Radiation
2208 Nondestructive Testing ;Radiography ;vol.(II) :Radiation Safety
2209 Nondestructive Testing ;Radiography ;Vol. (III) : Radiographic Equipment
2210 Nondestructive Testing ;Radiography ; vol(IV) : Making a Radiograph
2211 Nondestructive Testing ;Radiography ;vol. (V) : Film Handling and Processing
2212 Nondestructive Testing : Introduction
2213 Nondestructive Testing ;Ultrasonic ;vol. (I) : Basic Principles
2214 Nondestructive Testing ;Ultrasonic ; vol.(II) : Equipment
2215 Nondestructive Testing ;Ultrasonic ;vol. (III) :Application
2216 JIS Handbook ,1987, Welding c1 eng.copy c2 Japanese copy
2217 JIS Standards
2218 Nondestructive Testing : Liquid Penetrant
2219 Basic Engineering geology and soil mechanics
2220 Hydrocarbon Fuels : Production , Properties and Performance of Liquids and gases
2221 The Oxford – Duden : Pectorial English Dictionary
2222 Cable Work
2224 Dictionary of Civil engineering
2225 Problems in Physico Chemical methods of analysis
2226 Cotton Weaving
2227 Microbiology : With Virology and Immunology
2235 Information : Communications and technology transfer
2238 Microsoft Windows 386 : Presentation Manager
2239 Education and training for library and information services in a predominantly non – Literate society
2240 Guide line for drinking – water quality vol.1 : Recommendations
2241 Guideline for drinking – water quality vol.2 : Health criteria and other supporting information
2242 Guidelines for drinking – Water Quality VOL 3 : Drinking Water Quality Control in small community supplies
2250 Textbook of Quantitative inorganic analysis : Including elementary Instrumental analysis
2251 Nondestructive Testing Handbook Vol.1 : Leak Testing
2252 Non Destructive testing Handbook vol.2 : Liquid penetrant tests
2253 Nondestructive Testing : Magnetic Testing
2254 Nondestructive Testing : Eddy Current
2255 Reinforced Concrete Design
2281 Plastic Methods for steel and concrete structures
2286 Ultrasonic Testing Materials at level 2 : Training Manual for Non Destructive Testing Techniques
2287 USING dBase IV
2297 Pyrotechnics
2298 Something new under the sun ,Building Connecticut’s first solar home
2299 ASHARAE : Handbook 1983 Equipment volume
2300 Fundamentals of metallurgical processes
2301 Videotape Recording
2302 Valency
2303 Guide to good programming practice
2304 Secrets of software Debugging
2305 Practical Metallurgy and Materials of Industry
2390 A Coulor Atlas of Microbiology
2396 Technical Book of conditions for Phosphate fertilizer complex project
2467 Silk Screen Techniques
2468 Techniques Modernes de la biscuiterie : Patisserie – Boulangerie industrielles et artisanales et des produits de regime tome 1
2469 Techniques Modernes de la biscuiterie : Patisserie – Boulangerie industrielles et artisanales et des produits de regime tome 2
2470 Elementary practical Organic Chemistry : Part 1 : Small Scale Preparations
2471 Elementary practical Organic Chemistry : Part 2 : Qyalitative Organic Analysis
2472 Elementary practical Organic Chemistry : Part 3 : Quantitative Organic Analysis Part III
2473 Research Techniques in Nondestructive testing V0l 1
2474 Research Techniques in Nondestructive testing V0l 2
2475 Elsevier’s Dictionary of Chemical engineering vol. 1 : Chemical engineering and laboratory equipment6 languages : Eng./Amer./FR./Spanish/Italian/German
2476 Elsevier’s Dictionary of Chemical engineering vol. 2 : Chemical engineering processes and products : Eng./Amer./FR./Spanish/Italian/German
2477 Standard methods of chemical analysis vol. 1
2478 Standard methods of chemical analysis vol. 2 : part A : Industrial and Natural products and noninstrumental methods
2479 Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis Vol. 2 part : B Industrial and Natural products and noninstrumental methods
2480 Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis Vol. 3 part : A Instrumental methods
2481 Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis Vol. 3 part : B Instrumental methods
2482 Modern Power Station Practice vol. 1 : Planning & Layout
2483 Modern Power Station Practice vol.3 : Mechanical Turbines and Auxiliary Equipment
2484 Modern Power Station Practice vol.5 :Chemistry & Metallurgy
2485 Modern Power Station Practice vol.7 : Operation & Efficiency
2486 Quality Cntrol in The Food Industry Vol. 1
2487 Quality Cntrol in The Food Industry Vol. 2
2488 Quality Cntrol in The Food Industry Vol. 3
2489 Beton Kalender
2490 Beton Kalender ,1971
2491 Betom Kalender ,1978 vol. I
2492 Beton Kalender 1978, Vol II
2493 Aluminum Vol .1 : Properties , physical metallurgy and phase diagrams
2494 Aluminum Vol II : Design and Application
2495 Aluminum Vol. III : Fabrication & Finishing
2496 Asharae handbook of Fundamentals 67,72
2497 The yeast vol. 1 : Biology of yeast
2498 The Yeast vol. 2: physiology and biochemistry of yeasts
2499 The Yeast vol. 3 : Yeast Technology
2571 Encyclopedia of Chemical technology : A to Aluminum : vol. 1
2572 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology : vol. 2
2573 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology : Vol. : 3, B to Cilium
2574 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology : Vol.4 ,Calcium Compounds to Choramphenicol
2575 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology : vol.5 , Chlorine to colors for food , drugs , and cosmetics
2576 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology vol. 6 :
2577 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology :Vol.7 : Dialysis to Electron Spin Resonance
2578 Encyclopedia of chemical technology Vol. : 8 , Electron tube Materials to Ferrites
2579 Encyclopedia of chemical technology vol : 9 : Ferroelectrics to Foams]
2580 Encyclopedia of Chemical technology Vol 10 : Food Additives to Heterocyclic Compounds
2581 Encyclopedia of Chemical technology Vol: 11 : Hexanes to Ion Exchange
2582 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology vol. : 12 , Iron to Manganese
2583 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology : Vol.13 , Manganese Compounds to Nitrophenols
2584 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology : Vol.14 , Nomenclature to Petroleum
2585 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology : Vol.15 , Petroleum to Poisons, Economic
2586 Encyclopedia of chemical technology vol. :16 polyamides to quinones
2587 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology Vol 17 : Radioactive drugs and tracers to semiconductors
2588 Encyclopedia of chemical Technology Vol. 18 , Shale Oil to Steroids
2589 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology : Vol.19  Stilbene Derivatives to Terpenes and Terpenoids
2590 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology :Vol.20 ,Tetracyclines to Unsaturated Polyesters
2591 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology : Vol.21 , Uranium and Uranium Compounds to Water(Analysis)
2592 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology : Vol.22 , Water(Desalination) to Zone Refining
2593 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology : Sup., Adamantine to Units
2594 Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology : Index Volume , Index to volumes 1- 22 and Supplement
2595 Shelf life evaluation of foods
2596 Rancidity in Foods
2597 Minimally Processed refrigerated Fruits & Vegetables
2598 Food additive User’s Handbook
2599 Handbook of sweeteners
2600 Food Composition and Analysis
2601 Surface preparation techniques for adhesive bonding
2602 Handbook of paint Raw Materials
2603 Powder Coating Technology
2604 JIS : 1994 JIS Handbook : Metal Surface Treatment
2605 JIS 1993 JIS Handbook : Paints & Varnishes
2606 Fatty acid : Their chemistry , properties production, and uses : P 2
2607 Fatty acids, their chemistry , properties , production and Uses 😛 3
2608 Fatty Acids : Their Chemistry , Properties , Production and uses : p 4
2609 Fatty Acids , Their Chemistry , Properties , production , and uses : p 5
2610 the Book of Popular Science : Vol.1
2611 The Book of Popular Science : Vol.2
2612 the Book of Popular Science : Vol.3
2613 the Book of Popular Science :Vol.4
2614 the Book of Popular Science :Vol.5
2615 the Book of Popular Science :Vol.6
2616 the Book of Popular Science :Vol.7
2617 the Book of Popular Science :Vol.8
2618 the Book of Popular Science :Vol.9
2619 the Book of Popular Science :Vol.10 An Index
2620 Encyclopedia International Vol. 1 : A to Arius
2621 Encyclopedia International Vol. 2 : Arizona to Bickell
2622 Encyclopedia International Vol. 3 : Bicycle to Canaanites
2623 Encyclopedia International Vol. 4 : Canada to Colbert
2624 Encyclopedia International Vol. 5 : Colborne Diathermy
2625 Encyclopedia International : Vol.6 Diaton – Explosion
2626 Encyclopedia International : Vol.7 Explosives – Ghana
2627 Encyclopedia International : Vol.8 Ghardaia – Housefly
2628 Encyclopedia International : Vol.9 Houseleek – Jerubbaal
2629 Encyclopedia International : Vol.10  Jerusalem – Lindbergh
2630 Encyclopedia International  : Vol.11  Linden – Metronome
2631 Encyclopedia International Vol.12  Metropolis to Nevelson
2632 Encyclopedia International Vol. 13 : Nevers to Pakistan
2633 Encyclopedia International Vol. 14 , Palaestra to Pragmatism
2634 Encyclopedia International Vol. 15 Prague to Rowley
2635 Encyclopedia International Vol. 16 Rowson to Sofia
2636 Encyclopedia International Vol. 17 Softball to Tenrec
2637 Encyclopedia International Vol. 18 , Tense to Valery
2638 Encyclopedia International : Vol.19 Valhalla – Zworykin
2639 Encyclopedia International : Vol.20 Index
2640 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis : Vol.1 A – E
2641 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis : Vol.2  F – O
2642 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis : Vol.3 P – Z
2643 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis : Vol.4 Ablative Materials to Alkaloids
2644 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis : Vol.5
2645 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.6 Antifreezes to Bebzaldehyde
2646 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis : Vol.7 Benzene to Brewery Products
2647 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.8 Bromine to Carrier Gas and Vacuum Fusion Methods
2648 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis Vol.9 Casein to Chromium
2649 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.10 Cigarettes to Copper
2650 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.11
2651 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.12 Dyes to Flour
2652 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.13 Fluorine to Glycols
2653 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.14 Gold to Iodine
2654 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.15 Ion Exchange Resins to Mercaptants
2655 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.16 Mercury to Penicillins
2656 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.17 Phenols to Sensory Testing Methods
2657 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.18 Silicon To Thiophene
2658 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.19 Thorium To Zinc
2659 Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis :Vol.20 Index To  Vol.4-19
2660 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 1
2661 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 2
2662 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 3
2663 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 4
2664 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 5
2665 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 6
2666 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 7
2667 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 8
2668 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 9
2669 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 10
2670 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 11
2671 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 12
2672 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 13
2673 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 14
2674 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 15
2675 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : index 1 to 15
2676 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 16
2677 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 17
2678 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 18
2679 Ullmanns : Encyklopadie der technischen chemie Band : 24
2680 Encyclopedia International des sciences et des techniques vol. : 1
2681 Encyclopedia International des sciences et des techniques vol. : 2
2682 Encyclopedia International des sciences et des techniques vol. : 3
2683 Encyclopedia International des sciences et des techniques vol. : 4
2684 Encyclopedia International des sciences et des techniques vol. : 5
2685 Encyclopedia International des sciences et des techniques vol. : 6
2686 Encyclopedia International des sciences et des techniques vol. : 7
2687 Encyclopedia International des sciences et des techniques vol. : 8
2688 Encyclopedia International des sciences et des techniques vol. : 9
2689 Encyclopedia International des sciences et des techniques vol. : 10
2690 Handbook of chromatography : Vol 1
2691 Handbook of Chromatography  : Vol. 2
2692 Handbook of tables for applied engineering science
2693 Handbook of Additives
2694 Handbook of Environmental Control Vol : 1 , Air Pollution
2695 Handbook of Environmental Control Vol :II : Solid Waste
2696 Handbook of Environmental Control Vol : III Water Supply and Treatment
2697 Handbook of Environmental Control Vol : IV Wastewater : Treatment and Disposal
2698 Persistent pesticides  in the environment
2699 Handbuck fur das eisenhutten laboratorium band 1
2700 Handbuck fur das eisenhutten laboratorium band 2
2701 Handbuck fur das eisenhutten laboratorium band 4
2702 Handbuck fur das eisenhutten laboratorium band 5
2703 Pulp and paper Manufacture : Vol 1 : The pulping of wood
2704 Pulp and paper Manufcture Vol : II  : Control Secondary Fiber Structural Board Coating
2705 Pulp and Paper Manufacture  Vol : III : Papermaking and Paperboard Making
2706 Food Processing Operations Their Management,Machines,Materials and Methods Vol.1
2707 Food Processing Operations Their Management,Machines,Materials and Methods Vol.2
2708 Food Processing Operations Their Management,Machines,Materials and Methods Vol.3
2709 Inorganic Syntheses:Vol.1
2710 Inorganic Syntheses:Vol.2
2711 Inorganic Syntheses:Vol3
2712 Inorganic Syntheses:Vol.4
2713 Inorganic Syntheses vol.V
2714 Inorganic Syntheses :vol . : VI
2715 Inorganic Syntheses vol.: VII
2716 Inorganic Syntheses vol.: VIII
2717 Inorganic Synthese vol.: IX
2718 Inorganic Synthses vol. : X
2719 Inorganic Synthese vol.: XI
2720 Machine tool design vol.: 1
2721 machine tool design vol. :2
2722 Machine tool design vol. : 3
2723 Machine tool design
2724 Auto mechanics fundamentals : How and why of the design , construction , and operation of automotive units
2725 Workbook for Auto mechanics fundamentals : How and why of the design , construction , and operation of automotive units + Instructor’s Guide and answer key for use with auto mechanics fundamentals
2726 Residue reviews vol.: 39 : The carbinole acaricides : Chlorobenzilate and chloropropylate
2727 Residue reviews  Vol. : 40 with cumulative table of subjects covered detailed  sublject – matter index and author  index 0f volumes 31 – 40
2728 Residue Reviews : Residues of pesticides and Other Contaminants in the total environment
2729 Education and training for library and information services in a predominantly non – literate society
2730 JATMA Year book  Tire Standards
2731 Organization and economics of information and documentation
2732 Proceeding of the expert group meeting on creation of entrepreneurship and opportunities for small – and medium – scale industrial investment : Damascus , 11 – 13 April 1993
2733 Academia dictionary of scientific and technical terms : English – French – Arabic
2787 Anew dictionary of scientific & technical terms English-Arabic.  copies from c1 to c
2788 JIS Handbook Mechanical Instrumentation 1996
2887 The World Book Encyclopedia- ASTRONOMY : PART 1
2888 The World Book Encyclopedia-Physics : PART 2
2889 The World Book Encyclopedia-CHEMISTRY: PART 3
2890 The World Book Encyclopedia-THE PLANET EARTH : PART 4
2891 The World Book Encyclopedia-THE PLANET WORLD : PART 5
2892 The World Book Encyclopedia-THE ANIMAL WORLD : PART 6
2893 The World Book Encyclopedia-THE HUMAN BODY : PART7
2894 The World Book Encyclopedia-MEN AND WOMEN OF SCIENCE INDEX
2900 Programming Active Server Pages
2901 Internet Information Server Training Kit -server4.0-server 2.0-CD-ROMs   3 books in one envelop
2902 Windows 98 Resource Kit
2903 Internet Information Server Resource Kit
2904 Food quality assurance : principles and practices
2905 food intake and chemical senses
2906 population ecology of human survival : bioecological studies of the gidra in papua new guinea
2907 Chemistry of soil organic matter
2908 heavy metal pollution in soils of japan
2909 origin of life
2910 history of japanese medicine in the edo era
2911 Plastic piping Handbook
2912 Dictionary of biology
2913  Spring series in wood science :ANALYTICAL METHODS IN WOOD CHEMISTRY, pulping , and papermaking
2914 POLYURETHANES : szycher’s Handbook of polyurethanes
2915 problem solving in analytical chemistry
2916 process measurement and analysis
2961 The Uncertainty of Measurements : Physical and Chemical Metrology Impact and analysis
2962 Measurement Errors and Uncertainties : theory and practice
2963 An Introduction to Measuration and Calibration
2964 Measurement & Instrumentation Principles
2965 Handbook of MEASUREMENT
2966 Process Control Instrumentation Technology
2967 Handbook of Dimensional Measurement
2968 THE Mesurement, Instrumentation,And Sensors Handbook