BOOK_No | العنوان |
1 | Handbook of Plastics and Elastomers |
2 | World of learning 1976-77 vol.(1) : 1-Inter.2-Afghanisan – Qatar |
3 | World of learning 1976-7h7 vol.(2) : Rhodesia -Zambia ,Index |
4 | Control for improved quality and lower production costs .( Papers presented at a two days conference held in the Royal Hall ,Harrogate |
5 | Food ,Processing ,Packaging ,Directory,1977 |
6 | An Introduction to textile printing : A practical manual for use laboratories ,Colleges and Schools of art |
7 | New ways to produce textiles : papers of the 57th annual conference of the textile institute 1972.held at Lucerne |
8 | Principle of Weaving |
9 | Studies in Modern Fabrics. Diamond Jubilee Conference 1970 |
10 | Physical Properties of textile fibers |
11 | Manual of cotton spinning vol2 part 2 : Opening and cleaning |
12 | Manual of cotton spinning vol.(2)part 1: The Characterizes of raw cotton |
13 | Textile Mathematics vol.(1) |
14 | Textile Mathematics,vol. (2) |
15 | Textile Mathematics vol.(3) |
16 | Woven cloth construction |
17 | Statistical methods for textile technologists |
18 | A Selective bibliography of textile engineering |
19 | Manual of nonwovens |
20 | Rotor Spinning, technical and economic aspects |
21 | Nonwovens ’71 |
22 | Laboratory course in dyeing |
23 | The Fiber Manual |
24 | Heavy Organic chemicals |
25 | Fuels and fuel technology vol.1 |
26 | Fuels and fuel technology vol.2 |
27 | Analytical chemistry of the condensed phosphates |
28 | Analytical chemistry of organic halogen compounds |
29 | Technical dictionary of chromatography Eng-Ger.-Fren-Russ |
30 | Organic reagents in metal analysis |
31 | Surface active chemicals |
32 | Plastic films and packaging |
33 | The Thesaurus in retrieval |
34 | Task analysis of Library Operation |
35 | Toughened Plastics |
36 | The Oxford Atlas |
37 | Aide – Memoire de galvanoplastic |
38 | Traite’ de Galvanoplastic |
39 | Electrochimie Pratique .Principes et technology |
40 | La Corrosion des conduites d’eau et de gaz causes et remedes |
41 | Mineralogie des argiles |
42 | Technologie des faiences |
43 | Aspects modernes de la physique des solides |
44 | Traite’de chimie applique’e ,Tome(1) : Genie chimique: Techniques operations fondamentales , cinetique chimique- calcul des reacteurs |
45 | Traite’de chimie applique’e ,Tome(2), Technologie minerale, 1er partie : Eau-liquefaction et separation des gaz.Etc.. |
46 | Traite de chimie appliquee, Tome(3), Technologie minerale, 2eme partie: Le soufre et ses combinaisons minerals.Etc.. |
47 | Traite de chimie appliquee’Tom(4) Technologie minerale. 4em partie:Les produits ceramiques le verre- les combinaisons etc. |
48 | Traite de chimie appliquee ‘Tome(5). Chimie organique. 1er partie: la transformation de la houille- etc. |
49 | Traite’de chimie appliquee’. Tome(6). Chimie Organique. 2 eme partie Le bois et sa transformation chimique .Les intermediaires et produits etc. |
50 | Traite’de chimie appliquee’Tome(7) Chimie organique 3eme partie:Les colorants organiques- L’impression et la teinture les corps tensic.. |
51 | Traite’de chimie appliquee’Tome(8) Chimie organique 4 eme partie. les Fibres chimiques. Les matieres Premieres des Laques et vernis. ext.. |
52 | Financial resources for industrial projects in developing countries |
53 | Pesticides Handbook-Entoma 1977-1978 |
54 | Nanogen Index : A Dictionary of pesticides and Chemical Pollutants |
55 | Untersuchungen uber argebot und nachfrage mineralischer rohsloffe Nickel |
56 | Das Schleifen und polieren der metalle : Heft 5-7-10-19-24-34-45-50-53-62-64 |
57 | Das Shweiben der leichtmetal :Heft 8589-93-103-116-119-121 |
58 | The Geological map of Syria Vol. 1 |
59 | The Geological Map of Industry,1966 vol.2 |
60 | The Geological Map of Syria vol. 3 |
61 | The Principles & practice of modern cosmetics.Vol.1: Modern cosmeticology |
62 | The Principles & practice of modern cosmetics.Vol.2: Cosmetic Materials.Their origine characteristics uses and dermatological action |
63 | food processing technology |
64 | Principles & practice of Spectrochemical Analysis |
65 | Cement |
66 | Encyclopedie technologique de l’industrie du caoutchouc. Tome(1) : Production du caoutchouc naturel.(2) : Fabrication des caoutchoucs etc.. |
67 | Encyclopedie technologique de l’industrie du caoutchouc. Tome(2). (1): Proprietes physiques etc.. (2) : Constituants…(3) Principales matieres annexes |
68 | Encyclopedie Technologique de l’industrie du caoutchouc.Tom(3) .(1): Caoutchouc technique.(2) Applications diverses |
69 | Encyclopedia of microscopy and microtechnique |
70 | Instrumental analysis of cotton cellulose and modified cotton cellulose.Vol(3) |
71 | Testing of polymers. Vol. (1) |
72 | Paint Technology Manuals ;Part(1):Non-convertible Coatings |
73 | Paint Technology Manuals Part 2: Solvents,Oils,Resins and Driers |
74 | Paint Technology Manuals Part(3):Convertible Coatings |
75 | Paint technology manuals,part(4):The application of surface coatings |
76 | Paint technology manual Part(5) : The testing of paints |
77 | Paint technology manuals Part(6) : Pigments dyestuffs & lakes |
78 | Identification of organic compounds with the aid of gas chromatography |
79 | TheAnalysis of organic materials.Vol.(5) : The determination of nitro and related function |
80 | TheBiochemical mode of action of pesticides |
81 | Modern techniques in physiological sciences |
82 | TheTechnology of mineral fertilizers |
83 | Technology of paints, Varnishes and lacquers |
84 | Paint film defects, their causes and cure |
85 | Organic and biological chemistry. Vol(1) : The chemistry of synthetic dyes |
86 | Emulsion and water-soluble paints and coatings |
87 | (La)Peinture et la vitrerie |
88 | Les Industries Verrieres |
89 | Chimie physique. Thermodynamique chimique |
90 | Industrial furnaces. Vol(1) |
91 | Industrial furnaces. Vol.2 |
92 | Production welding |
93 | Temperature Control |
94 | Thermal engineering |
95 | Interscience library of chemical engineering & Processing Vol(5) : Handbook of compositions at thermodynamic equilibrium |
96 | Organic coating technology. Vol(1):Oils. resins. Varnishes. and polymers |
97 | Organic coating technology. Vol2: Pigments and pigmented coatings |
98 | Aluminium-Taschenbuch |
99 | Practical leather technology |
100 | The Chemistry and reactivity of collagen |
101 | The Chemistry of tanning processes |
102 | The Chemistry and technology of leather,Vol.3 : Process control of leather quality |
103 | The Chemistry and technology of leather. Vol4:Evaluation of leather |
104 | World guide to fertilizer processes and constructors |
105 | Chemistry and technology of fertilizers |
106 | Microbiology |
107 | Textile finishing |
108 | (The) Standard Handbook Of Textiles |
109 | L’identification des matieres textiles |
110 | Technologie des textiles |
111 | Handbuch der werkstoffprufung : Die prufung der textilien |
112 | Lehrbuch der textilchemie (Einschl.der textilchemischen Technologie) |
113 | Brittle fracture in steel structures |
114 | The Technology of aluminium and its alloys |
115 | Hardness measurement of metals and alloys |
116 | Dictionary of commercial chemicals |
117 | Elsevier’s Dictionary of Industrial Chemistry Vol.(1):A-O(In six Languages:Eng./Amer.,Fr.,Sp., Ita.,Du., and Ger.,) |
118 | Elsevier’s dictionary of industrial chemistry Vol.2:P-Z index (In ix languages Eng./Amer.,Fr.,Sp.,Ita.,Du.,and Ger). |
119 | Biochemistry |
120 | Handbook of textile fibres |
121 | Chemisch-Technische untersuchungs.Methoden fur die textilindustrie . |
122 | Handbuch fur textilingenieure und textilpraktiker. Fachteil T 12:Die textilen rohstoffe |
123 | Mikroskopie der faserstoffe T (13) |
124 | Handbuch fur textilingenieure und textilpraktiker fachteil T 14 : Mechanisch-Technologisch textilprufungen |
125 | Erkennen und identifizieren der faserstoffe T (16 ) |
126 | Introduction to high performance liquid chromatography |
127 | Aide-Memoire.Textiles. Tome1: Matieres textiles- filature |
128 | Aide-Memoire. Textiles. Tome 2: Tissage |
129 | Aide-Memoire.Textile. Tome 3 : Teinture-apprets |
130 | Methoden zur prufung metallischer uberzuge |
131 | Taschenbuch der metallischen werkstoffe |
132 | Aide-Memoire. Chimie. Tome(1):Mesures constantes physiques des corps chimiques |
133 | Aide-Memoire Chimie. Tome(2) : Proprietes et caracteristiques des composes du carbone |
134 | Aide-Memoire.Chimie, Tome (3) :Chimie minerale analyse des composes mineraux et des composes du carbone |
135 | Die messung von flussigkeitsstanden in behaltern |
136 | Difco manual of dehydrated culture media and reagents for microbiological and clinical laboratory procedures |
137 | French-English science dictionary. for students in agricultural. biological. and physical sciences |
138 | Dictionary of Plastics |
139 | Vocabulaire technique:Electricite-mecanique-industries extractives et annexes-metallurgie-science. Anglais-Francais. Francais-Anglais |
140 | German-English science dictionary for students in chemistry. physics. agriculture. and related sciences |
141 | Dictionary of metallurgy |
142 | Concise encyclopedic dictionary of mechanical engineering |
143 | Dictionnaire fonderie.Fr. Deut. Eng. Esp. Ital. Neder. Norsk. Svenska) |
144 | Dictionnaire Anglais-Francais des termes relatifs a l’electrotechnique l’electronique et aux applications connexes. |
145 | Concise dictionary of science(Physics-Mathem.Nucleonics-Astronomy- Chemistry) No.106 |
146 | Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering |
147 | Elements of X-Ray Diffraction |
148 | Synthetic detergents. |
149 | Les matieres plastiques. Fabrication,technologie |
150 | Plastics for engineers.An introductory course |
151 | Characteristic frequencies of chemical groups in the infra-red |
152 | Cost estimating and contract pricing |
153 | Specification 1970. Vol.(1) |
154 | Specification 1970,Vol (2) |
155 | De ferri metallographia Vol(2) : Structure des aciers |
156 | Metals handbook. Vol(1):Properties and Selection of metals |
157 | Metals Handbook. Vol(2) : Heat treating. cleaning and finishing |
158 | Metals handbook,Vol(3) : Machining |
159 | Metals handbook ,Vol(4) :Forming |
160 | Metals handbook, Vol(5): Forging and casting |
161 | Metals handbook. Vol(6) : Welding and brazing |
162 | Metals handbook Vol(7) : Atlas of microstructures of industrial alloys. |
163 | Metals Handbook Vol(8): Metallography. Structures and phase diagrams |
164 | Metals Handbook Vol.(9): Fractography and Atlas of fractographs |
165 | Metals handbook. Vol(10) : Failure analysis and prevention |
166 | Metals Handbook. Vol (11). Nondestructive inspection and quality control |
168 | Directory of commerce and industry Syrian arab republic 1968-1969(arab-english) |
169 | Directory of commerce and industry Syrian Arab Republic 1971-1972 (Arabic) |
173 | Ferro-cement : design. Techniques. and application |
174 | Stahlschlussel. Key to steel |
175 | Coatings & linings for immersion service |
176 | AATCC glossary of printing terms |
177 | Guide Pratique Pour L’emploi des Ciments |
178 | Chemical engineers handbook |
179 | International encyclopedia of chemical science. Includes Complete Glossary in Germany,Spanish , French, Russian |
180 | The Encyclopedia of chemical process equipment |
181 | The Condensed chemical dictionary |
182 | Dangerous properties of industrial materials |
183 | Handbook of adhesives |
184 | Engineering Alloys |
185 | Maintenance engineering handbook |
186 | Mark’s standard handbook for mechanical engineers |
187 | American Institute of Physics handbook |
188 | Handbook of applied instrumentation |
189 | Control engineers’handbook.(Servomechanisms,reculators,and automatic feedback control systems) |
190 | Standard handbook for electrical engineers |
191 | Handbook of Chemistry.(A Referance Volume for all Requiring Ready Access to Chemical and Physical data Used in Laboratory Work and Manufacturing |
192 | The Merck index of chemicals and drugs(An enoyclopedia for chemists pharmacists. Physicians. and members of allied professions) |
193 | Pharmacopee Francaise.Codex Medica mentarius Gallicus |
194 | Kempes engineers year-book Vol(1) |
195 | Kempes Engineers year-book with index Vol(2) |
196 | Handbook of Engineering Mechanics |
197 | Handbook of Applied Hydraulics |
198 | Fundamentals of Hydraulic Circuitry for Industrial Applications and Automatic Control |
199 | Handbook of High Vacuum Engineering |
200 | Collins New age encyclopedia. World Atlas & Sports Supplement |
201 | Handbook of Applied Mathematics |
202 | (La) boulangerie moderne |
203 | La margarine. Histoire et evolution |
204 | Pour le patissier confisseur Tome 1 |
205 | Pour le patissier confisseur.Tome 2 |
206 | Dictionary of Economic terms |
207 | Margarine and other food fats |
208 | Chocolate and confectionery. |
209 | Units Operations in food processing |
210 | Manual du savonnier |
211 | Introduction a l’etude des parfums.Matieres premieres aromatiques d’origine naturelle et de synthese |
212 | Le traitement des eaux destinees a l’alimentation des chaudieres a vapeur. aux circuits de refrigeration et aux reseaux de distribution d’eaux industrielles et potables. |
213 | Le depot electrolytique des metaux |
214 | Pour proteger les metaux |
215 | Memento de l’ingenier en cimenterie |
216 | Encyclopedia of polymer science & technology ,Plastics Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol. 1: Ablative Polymers to Amino Acids |
217 | Encyclopedia of polymer science & Technology vol. 2 : Amino Resins to Casein , Plastics. Rubbers. Fibers. Resins |
218 | Encyclopedia of polymer science & technology , Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers,vol. 3: Casting to Cohesive- Energy Density |
219 | Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology : Plastics Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol.4 : Collagen to Commercial Application |
220 | Encyclopedia of Polymer science &technology ,Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol. 5 : Dielectric Heating to Emulsion Polymerization |
221 | Encyclopedia of polymer Science & Technology ,Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol. 6 : from Enzymes to Finishing |
222 | Encyclopedia of polymer Science & Technology,Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol.7 : Fire Retardancy to Isotopic Polymers |
223 | Encyclopedia of polymer Science & Technology,Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol.8 : Keratin to Modacrylc Fibers |
224 | Encyclopedia of polymer Science & Technology,Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol. 9 : Molding to Petroleum Resins |
225 | Encyclopedia of polymer Science & Technology,Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. V0l.10 Phenolic Resins to Polyelectrolytes |
226 | Encyclopedia of Polymer Science & Technology,Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol.11: Polyester Fibers to Rayon |
227 | Encyclopedia of polymer Science & Technology,Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol. 12: Reinforced Plastics to Strach |
228 | Encyclopedia of polymer science & Technology,Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol.13 : Step-Reaction Polymerization to Thermoforming |
229 | Encyclopedia of polymer Science & Technology,Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol 14 : Thermogravimetric Analysis to Wire and Cable Coverings |
230 | Encyclopedia of polymer science & Technology,Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol.15 : Wood to Other Vinyl Ester Polymers |
231 | Encyclopedia of Polymer Science & Technology,Plastics. Resins. Rubbers. Fibers. vol 16 : Index to Volumes 1-15 |
232 | Atlas of polymer and Plastics analysis |
233 | Applied Chemical Process design |
234 | Coloring of plastics theory and practice |
235 | Handbook of anion determination |
236 | Handbook of US colorants for foods. drugs. and cosmetics |
237 | Industrial sealing technology |
238 | Modern furniture |
239 | Nutritional & safety aspects of food processing |
240 | Paint flow & pigment dispersion .A rheological approach to coating & Ink technology . |
241 | The structure of the chemical processing industries.Function & economics |
249 | Inorganic Chemistry hn non-aqueous solvents |
250 | Statistische analysen |
251 | Les methods de la chimie analytique. Analyse Quantitative minerale |
252 | Industrial Stoichiometry Chemical Calculations of manufacturing processes |
253 | Chemical Engineering Plant design |
254 | The Chemistry of organic film formers |
255 | Thin-Layer Chromatography |
256 | ANIntroduction to Practical Infra-red Spectroscopy |
257 | Techniques in flame photometric analysis |
258 | Gas chromatography |
259 | Practical Spectroscopy |
260 | Colorimetric Methods of analysis Vol.(1)Theory-Instruments-PH |
261 | Colorimetric Methods of analysis Including some trubidimetric &nephelometric methods vol.(2) |
262 | Colorimetric Methods of analysis Including Phtometric Methods Vol.(2A) |
263 | Fundamentals of Microbiology |
264 | Bergey’s Manual of detrminative Bacteriology |
265 | Reagents for Organic synthesis |
266 | Reagent Chemicals and standards.With methods of testing and assaying them ,also the preparation and standarization of volumetric solutions |
267 | The analytical uses of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid |
268 | Solvent extraction of metals |
269 | Alkyd resin technology formulating techniques and allied calculations |
270 | Corrosion Testing procedures |
271 | Introduction to ceramics |
272 | La Technologie des produits ceramiques refractaire |
273 | AOAC Official Methods of analysis of the association of official analytical chemists |
274 | Standard methods for the analysis of oils,fats&soaps. English&French |
275 | A Complete Guide to Silk Painting |
276 | Guide for safety in the chemical laboratory |
277 | Instrumental methods of analysis |
278 | Electrical engineering circuits |
279 | Design of machine elements |
280 | Mechanical engineering design:an introduction |
281 | Mechanical Measurements |
282 | The engineer’s companion:A concise handbook Engineering fundamentals |
283 | Food Chemistry |
284 | Nuclear Reactor Engineering |
285 | Physical methods in inorganic chemistry |
286 | Advanced organic chemistry |
287 | Organic chemistry |
288 | Transport of hazardous materials.proceedings of the symposium held in london 15 Dec.1977 |
289 | Guide to quality control |
290 | Physical Metallurgy principles |
291 | Handbook of industrial metrology : a reference book on principles , Techniques & instrumentation design & application for physical measurements the manufacturing industries. |
292 | Introductory applied physics |
293 | Feedback control systems.Analysis ,synthesis, and design |
294 | Study projects in physical chemistry |
295 | Engineering drawing & geometry |
296 | Experimental mehtods for engineers |
297 | Experimental college physics a laboratory manual |
298 | Heat & mass transfer.Mechanical engineering |
299 | Mechanical refrigeration |
300 | Textbook of the materials of engineering |
301 | Generation , Transmission and utilization of electrical power |
302 | Fits , Tolerances & engineering measurement |
303 | Electric cables |
304 | Principles and practice of electrical engineering |
305 | Electronics. Electronic Engineering |
306 | Measuring methods and devices in electronics. |
307 | Basic tables in phisics |
308 | Fluid mechanics with engineering applications |
309 | Machine tool operation. part :1,Safety, measuring tools,bench work,the drill prill press, the lathe,forge work |
310 | Machine Tool operation .Part 2.The Shaper,the planer, the milling machine, the grinding machine, hydraulics, metal, band saws, metallurgy, cutting fluids |
311 | Ulrich’s international periodicals directory |
312 | -Ulrich’s international periodicals directory |
313 | How and where to look it up.A guide to standard sources of information |
314 | Traitement de l’information linguistique par l’homme , par la machine. |
315 | How to manage your information |
316 | Guide to the use of books and libraries |
317 | How to find out in chemistry. A guide to sources of information |
318 | L’Entretient de l’equipement d’une entreprise. Organisation et rentabilite |
319 | Scientific innovation & Industrial prosperity |
320 | Statistical Process Control : Theory and Practice |
321 | Nouveau petit larousse |
327 | Cassell’s new french-english. english-French dictionary |
328 | Cassell’s new german dictionary german-english english-german |
329 | Chamber’s technical dictionary(English-English) |
331 | Dictionnaire Francais -Arabe |
332 | English-russian dictionary |
339 | Handbook of air conditioning system design |
340 | Hydraulic and pneumatic power and control: design performance ; application |
341 | Mechanisms. Linkages. and mechanical controls |
342 | Boilers : types, Characteristics and functions |
343 | Diesel engine operation and maintenance |
344 | Combustion engine processes |
345 | Industrial power systems handbook |
346 | Construction Materials Reference book |
347 | Industrial engineering handbook |
348 | System engineering handbook |
349 | Metals engineering design(ASME handbook) |
350 | Practical organic chemistry(A Text book) |
351 | A Text- book quantitative inorganic analysis |
352 | Quantitative analytical Chemistry Vol. 1: Introduction to Principles |
353 | Quantitative analytical chemistry.Vol.2:Short Introduction to practice |
354 | Werkstoff-handbuch nichteisenmetall.Teil1: Allgemeines.Teil2:Grundlagen |
355 | Werkstoff-handbuch nichteisenmetall.Teil3:Die metalle und legierungen.Teil 4:Werstoffe fur sonderzwecke |
356 | Chemical applications of potentiometry |
357 | Microanalysis by the ring oven technique |
358 | Elements of X-Ray Crystallography |
359 | The Chemistry of cement and concrete |
360 | Technical dictionary.Technical terms simplified |
361 | Chemical terminology : An introduction to chemistry in french and English |
362 | L’Industrie du sucre de cannes |
363 | L’Industrie modern des produits azotes |
364 | Harper’s Biochemistry : a Lange medical book |
365 | Werkstoff-Handbuch stahl und eisen |
366 | Mathematics applied to physics |
367 | World guide to technical information and documentation services |
368 | A Pilot’s metreorology |
369 | Metal-cutting tool production |
370 | Maintenance of industrial equipment |
371 | 3000 procedes et formules dans la vie pratique a l’atelier |
372 | Electricite appliquee |
373 | Electrotechnique generale |
374 | Matieres Plastiques, Vol : 1,2,3 |
375 | Electronic Circuits manual |
376 | Operational amplifiers |
377 | Metallurgist’s handbook |
379 | Sensible Sludge.a new look at a wasted natural resource |
381 | Material testing laboratories |
382 | Chemical Process Industries |
383 | The Physical basis of metal fatigue |
384 | Water in foods |
385 | Carbonated beverages: Manufacture and analysis |
386 | Twenty years of confectionery and chocolate progress |
387 | Applied X-ray |
388 | An Introduction to modern experimental organic chemistry |
389 | Application of infrared radiation in food processing |
390 | Atomic absorption spectrophotometry |
391 | A Laboratory guide for students of engineering |
392 | Mechanical engineering experiments.book1,2 |
393 | Electronic Processes in materials |
394 | Workshop Processes and materials.Book 1,2 |
395 | Electronics in industry |
396 | Exercises in welding and fabrication drawing |
397 | Workshop experiments in mechanical engineering |
398 | Mycotoxins |
399 | British science and technology for developing countries. directory of sources of information & assistance. |
400 | Britain 1980,an official handbook |
402 | Chemical Engineering catalogue(CEC),the process industries catalogue |
403 | Advanced workshop experiments.Set 1:Fitting Set2:Machining |
404 | Vliesstoffe |
405 | The Institution of heating and ventilating :engineers guide, guidebook. (IHVE guide) |
406 | Change to metric-reference manual |
407 | Water activity:influences on food quality. a treatise on the influence of bound and free water on the quality and stability of foods and other natural products |
408 | Introduction to laboratory chemistry:organic and biochemistry |
409 | Dictionnaire technique de l’eau et des questions connexes |
410 | An elementary scientific and technical dictionary |
411 | Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater.Including bottom sediments and sludges |
412 | Elsevier’s ,dictionary of metal cutting tools in seven languages. Eng.,Ger.,Dut.,Fr.,Spa.,Ita.,Rus |
413 | (Les) Traitements de surface et la finition de l’aluminium et de ses alliages |
414 | Webster’s New World Dictionary of American Language |
415 | The chemistry and Manufacture of Cosmetics Vol.2 Cosmetic Materials |
416 | Manual of steel construction |
417 | Dictionary of physics with contributions from a number of leading Scientists |
418 | Strength of materials |
419 | Modern refrigeration and air conditioning.theory. Practice of refrigeration and airconditioning system |
420 | International standards for drinking water |
421 | Operation & Control of water treatment processes |
422 | Pressure vessel engineering technology |
423 | Cement standards of the world portland cement and its derivatives |
425 | Dictionary of metal finishing and corrosion :5 linguages Eng.Fr.Tta.Dut.Ger |
426 | Handbook of electron tube and vacuum techniques |
427 | Power Cables |
428 | Interpretation of X -ray powder deffraction patterns |
429 | Applied Science in the casting of metals |
430 | Properties of concrete |
431 | Engineering Thermodynamics |
432 | Machine-tool dynamics. An introduction |
433 | The Stress analysis of pressure vessels and pressure |
434 | Heating and hot-Water-services |
435 | Machine tool structures vol.1 |
436 | A Dictionary of named effects and laws in chemistry and physics and mathematics |
437 | Four-languages technical dictionary of heating ventilation and sanitary engineering(english ,french,german,russian) |
438 | Skin hide and leather defects |
439 | High Pressure engineering |
440 | Inspection of chemical plant |
441 | Industrial Drying |
442 | Food Additives : Analytical Manual vol.:1 |
443 | Electrical,magnetic and visual methods of testing materials |
444 | A Concise encyclopaedia of metallurgy |
445 | Lexicon of international and national units |
446 | Lexicon of detergent : Cosmetics and toiletries |
447 | Manufacture and refining of raw cane sugar |
448 | Consise encyclopaedic dictionary of ceramics |
449 | Rubber dictionary 10 languages |
450 | Dictionary of general physics 6 languages.Eng-Fr.Span.Ita.Ger |
451 | Steel foundry practice |
452 | Handbook of textile testing and quality control |
453 | Ceramic Glazes |
454 | The Soviet chemical industry |
455 | Manuel Suisse des denrees alimentaires vol.(1): partie generale |
456 | Manual Suisse des denrees alimentaires vol.2: Partie speciale |
458 | Material Specification : part A : Ferrous |
459 | Material Specification : Part: B : Nonferrous |
460 | Power Boilers : Rules for construction of |
461 | Nuclear power plant components:3 |
462 | Heating boiler :4 |
463 | Recommended rules for care of power boiler :7 |
464 | Pressure vessels .Division 1 |
465 | Welding qualifications :9 |
466 | Analysis of pesticide residues in human and environmental samples |
467 | Engineering Properties of soils and rocks |
468 | The Analysis and control of less desirable flavors in foods and beverges. |
469 | pearson’s composition and analysis of food |
470 | An atlas of polymer damage ,Surface examination by scanning electron microscopy |
471 | Bibliographic bulletin of the clearinghouse at IINTE |
472 | Methods in food analysis, Physical ,chemical and instrumental methods of analysis |
473 | Gum technology in food industry |
474 | Technical methods of analysis |
475 | Kettenwirkerei Technologische und bindungste grundlagen sowie mustereinrchungen |
476 | Technologie des rotorspinnens |
477 | Les Hautes Temperatures et leurs utilisation en Phisique et en chimie ;vol.(1) :realisation des hautes temperatures |
478 | Les Hautes temperatures et leurs utilisations en physique et en chimie, vol. (2) : Mesures phisiques a hautes temperatures |
479 | Solvents |
480 | Why metals fail |
481 | L’usinage electrochimique |
482 | Practical engineering metrology |
483 | Applied mechanics |
484 | Mechanics of materials |
485 | Experimental design |
486 | Motion and time study:design and measurement of work |
487 | Automobile engine overhaul |
488 | Modern air conditioning. heating and ventilating |
489 | Trilingual dictionary for materials and structures english french german |
490 | Spectrometric identification of organic compounds |
491 | Low Temperature Spectroscopy |
492 | Metallurgical microscopy |
493 | Identification & analysis of plastics |
494 | L’Analyse chimique et phisico-chimique de l’eau:eaux naturelles-eaux residuaires |
495 | Guide de la chimie international |
496 | small scale manufacture of soaps and detergents |
497 | Quality control Handbook |
498 | Thermique appliquee aux fours industriels vol.1 : Notions fondamentales |
499 | Thermique appliquee aux fours industriels.Vol(2):calculs des fours. recuparateurs. regenerateurs |
500 | Taschenbuch der stahl-eisen-werkstoffblatter |
501 | Catalyse et catalyseurs en chimie organic |
502 | Les Procedes de soudage |
503 | Les Cendres volantes:Proprietes-applications industrielles |
504 | Dictionary of scientists |
505 | Dictionnaire de l’informatique.anglais-francais,francais-anglais |
506 | Corrosion Diagrams |
507 | Asharae Guide and databook ,1967 : Systems and equipment |
508 | Ashrae Guide and data book 1970 : Systems |
509 | Facilities and plant engineering handbook |
510 | Handbook of modern manufacturing management |
511 | Cavitation |
512 | Pump application engineering |
513 | Mechanical Estimating guidebook |
514 | Engineering for dairy and food products |
515 | Fundamentals of analytical chemistry |
516 | Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry vol.IIC ; Electrical Methods Physical Separation Methods |
517 | Introductory gas dynamics |
518 | Engineering Thermodynamics |
519 | Ashrae :66 guide and data book,application |
520 | Ashrae guide and databook. : 71 Applications |
521 | Ashrae 74 : Handbook & Product directory application |
522 | Materials and processes in manufacturing |
523 | A Dictionary of electronics |
524 | Handbook of units operations |
525 | Structural engineering Handbook |
526 | Motor’s air conditioner service manual |
527 | Industrial application of induction heating |
528 | Impeller Pumps |
529 | Chemistry and Technology of explosives.Vol.(2) |
530 | Dyes and their intermediates |
531 | The Starch industry |
532 | Services of the chemical industry |
533 | Technology of cereals. With special reference to wheat |
534 | Plastics as corrosion-resistant materials |
535 | Dictionary of dyeing and textile printing |
536 | The Testing of cement :definitions & terminology;strength ; chemical analysis |
537 | The oxford russian-english dictionary |
538 | The Chemistry of cement.Vol(1) |
539 | The Chemistry of Cement Vol.2 |
541 | American Standard refrigeration terms and definitions :ASHARE |
555 | Viruses and waste water treatment.Proceedings of the International Symposium on viruses and wastewater treatment;held at the September 1980 |
567 | Traite d’oenologe.Vol(1):maturation du raisin fermentation alcoolique vinification |
568 | Manuel du laboratoire d’essais des ciments mortiers; betons |
569 | Aciers et fontes la normalisation et l’analyse |
570 | Food oils and their uses |
571 | Pigments: an introduction to their physical chemistry |
572 | The Chemistry of synthetic dyes.Vol(3) |
573 | The Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes Vol. 4 |
574 | Effects of high-power laser radiation |
575 | Modern Oxide materials:preparation,properties and device applications |
576 | Essential of Organic Chemistry |
577 | Effets de solvant en chimie organique |
578 | Atlas de Biologie |
579 | Electronic measurements |
580 | Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments |
581 | Modern Wiring practice |
582 | Electrical systems and equipment for industry |
583 | Numerical Problems in colour physics |
584 | Bruchvhalten, technisher werkstoffe |
585 | Stahleisen – Kalender ;1973 |
586 | Manuel d’analysis des corps Gras |
587 | Handbook of plastics test methods |
588 | Flat glass technology |
589 | Handbook of heat transfer |
590 | Fifth science meeting(11-14)December 1973.abstracts |
591 | Pulp and paper chemistry and chemical technology. Vol.(1):Pulping and bleaching |
592 | Pulp and paper chemistry and chemical technology. Vol.(2)Papermaking |
593 | Natural Rubber and the synthetics |
594 | A Complete course in canning |
595 | Oil , Detergent & Maintenence Specialities vol.(1) : Materials & Processes |
596 | Oil:Detergents& maintencance specialities; vol.(2): formulary |
597 | Sludge and its ultimate disposal |
598 | Bailety’s Industrial oil and fat products |
599 | Chemical treatment of hides and leather; 1972 |
600 | Leather technician’s handbook |
601 | Methodes generales d’essai et de controle en laboratoire vol . 1 : Mesures geometriques et mecaniques |
602 | Methodes generales d’essai et de controle en laboratoire vol . 2 : methodes physique et physico -chimiques |
603 | Lexicon of botany english,french,arabic |
604 | Lexicon of geology english,french,arabic |
605 | Lexicon of MathematicsEnglish,French,Arabic |
606 | Lexicon of physiceEnglish,French,Arabic |
607 | Lexicon of the zoologyeEnglish,French,Arabic |
608 | Handbook on electroplating ,Polishing,bronzing;lacquering |
609 | Les Graisses dans l’alimentation humaine:l’huile d’olive |
610 | The Chemistry and physics of rubber-like substances |
611 | The Analysis of rubber and rubber-like polymers |
612 | Welding for Engineers |
613 | Welding and Fabrication |
614 | Introduction to Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy |
615 | Band structure spectroscopy of metals & alloys |
616 | The Chemistry of the Organophosphorus pesticides |
617 | Applied Chemistry for engineers |
618 | Topics in current chemistry.Chemical lasers |
619 | Lasers and masers |
620 | Catalyst handbook with special reference to unit processes in ammonia and hydrogen manufacture |
621 | Comptes rendus XXVI Conference Washigton 1971 |
622 | Comptes rendus 28th Conference part A (Madrid) |
623 | Comptes rendus 28th Conference part B (Madrid) |
624 | Progress in refrigeration science & technology vol : 1 |
625 | Progress in refrigeration Science 7 technology vol. : 2 |
626 | Progress in refrigeratyion science & technology vol:3 |
627 | Progress in Refrigeration Science & Technology vol : 4 |
628 | Some common faults in cotton spinning |
629 | Physical Chemistry of polymers |
630 | A First course in polymer chemistry |
631 | Les Non Tisses ( Technique ,Economie ,et Perspectives ) |
632 | Construction des laboratories de recherche industriels Conception. realisation amenagements |
633 | Chemical Technology of fibrous materials |
640 | Technical Dictionary,russian-english |
641 | General Economic and Foreign Trade Dictionart English -russian |
642 | Photometric Analysis |
643 | Analytical Chemistry |
644 | Quantitative Analysis |
645 | General Chemistry |
646 | Organic Chemistry text book |
647 | Inorganic Chemistry |
648 | Handbook of physics |
649 | Basic electrical engineering |
650 | Applied electricity for engineers |
651 | Analysis of electric circuits |
652 | Power station electrician |
653 | Electrical engineering materials |
654 | Electricity and magnetism |
655 | Industrial Power supply |
656 | Cable installation |
657 | The Industrial electrician |
658 | Maintenance & repair of industrial electrical equipments |
659 | Maintenance of automotive electrical equipment |
660 | Storage batteries :Maintenance manual |
661 | Electronics |
662 | Electric Slag Welding |
663 | Metal Cutting Theory and Cutting Tool Design |
664 | Essential of crystallography |
665 | Theoretical Electro Chemistry |
666 | Physico-Chemical Analysis |
667 | Laboratory exercises in general chemistry |
668 | Remote control systems |
669 | Semiconductors testing and adjusting |
670 | Soviet economic reform:progress and problems |
671 | Manufacturing engineering |
672 | Fundamentals of manufacturing engineering |
673 | Energy:Combustion and environment |
674 | A Dictionary of scientific units |
675 | Deutscher farber-kalender 1974 |
676 | Standard Water |
677 | Plating waste Treatment |
678 | The encyclopedia of managements |
679 | Nutritional evaluation of food processing |
680 | Egg science and technology |
681 | Potato Processing |
682 | Principles of package development |
683 | Economics of new food product development |
684 | Food Sanitation |
685 | Convenience and Fast Food Handbook |
686 | Processing Equipment for Agricultural Products |
687 | Handbook of sugars for processors ,chemists and Technologists |
688 | Symposium :Seed Proteins |
689 | Protein as human food |
690 | Symposium on Foods:the Chemistry and Physiology of Flavors |
691 | Coconuts: Production,Processing,Products |
692 | Laboratory manual for food canners and processors Vol(1):microbiology and processing |
693 | Laboratory Manual for food Cannersand Processors Vol(2):annalysis sanitation and statistics |
694 | Food dehydration Vol.(2):practices and applications |
695 | Handbook of refrigerating engineering Vol(1):fundamentals |
696 | Handbook of refrigerating engineering,Vol(2):applications of refrigeration and cryogenics processing |
697 | The Student’s technology of breadmaking and flour confectionery |
698 | The Chemistry & Testing of dairy products |
699 | A Dictionary of electrical terms |
700 | Metals; Ceramics and introduction to the structure and properties of engineering |
701 | Principes et technique de cuisson et de construction de fours ceramiques |
702 | Concise dictionary of physics and related subjects |
703 | Yeast: mould and plant protoplasts |
704 | Infrared spectroscopy |
705 | Analytical toxicology of industrial inorganic poisons |